Magic, as we now know it, is an illusion. The Magician creates the idea that he is performing an impossible task, a trick, which defies explanation. But, it really is just a trick and as such is very possible. Well, let's get started on our journey through Magic and see what all can be done ==>

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Magic Trick: The Transformation of the Jack of Clubs

Find more Tricks at Magic Help Desk


Three of the Jack of clubs are distributed as follows in the magic pack: One is laid on the top, a second is placed the third from the top, and the third next to the bottom. The magician makes the "pass" so as to bring the top Jack to the middle of the magical pack, and forces it on one of the audience, who is asked to look at it, so as to know it again, and then put it back in the same place in the magical pack. Again the magic pass is made and the card is brought back to its original position. The magical now ruffles the pack with his lefthand and, showing the bottom card to the one who drew the card, asks whether that is the card he selected. As the bottom card is, let us say, the seven of spades, the answer, necessarily, must be "No." "That's a bad beginning," says the magician, "and as that particular card is the most fractious one in the magic pack, always pushing itself in where it is not wanted, I'll get it out of the way and lay it on the magic desk." Lowering the pack, face downward, he slips back the seven of spades with the third fingerof the lefthand, which is at the bottom of the magical pack, and with the secondfinger andthumb of the righthand takes instead the card that follows, a Jack of clubs, and places it, face down, on the magic desk. Then putting his littlefinger between the two top cards and the rest of the magic pack he passes those two cards to the bottom. There will be now one Jack of clubs on top of the magic pack and another next to the bottom, while at the bottom is some indifferent card, say, the nine of diamonds.


"As I was so unfortunate with the first card," continues the magician, "I hope to do better this time. I think you will find, sir, that the card now at the bottom is the one you selected."


He shows the magical card and is again told he is wrong. "Dear me," he exclaims, "I don't know that I can do better than put it alongside of the other on the magic desk." He proceeds as with the seven of spades and lays the second Jack of clubs on the magic desk. "As many good things go in threes," he says, "let me try once more. As I have had no luck at the bottom of the pack, suppose I try the top for a change." He now, apparently, shows the top card, but, really, shows the two top cards as one, the second being, we will suppose, the ten of hearts. Keeping the two magic cards well together, histhumb at the top and firstfinger beneath, he slides them to the right. protruding about an inch. The thumbof the lefthand keeps them in position. Now thethumb and firstfinger of the righthand turn up the two cards just a trifle, so as to bring in sight the ten of hearts, as shown in Fig. Magic 1. The moment he is told that it is not the selected card the performer presses the magic cards down to their normal position, and with the rightthumb slides the Jack of clubs free of the ten of hearts, holding it between thethumb and firstfinger. At the same time the leftthumb draws the ten of hearts back on the pack. With a little care this change is imperceptible.


Fig. Magic 1

The Jack of clubs is now placed on the magic desk, face downward, with the others.


The seven of spades and the nine of diamonds are now brought from the bottom of the magic pack to the top, and they will be in the following order: First, the top card, which is the seven of spades; second, the nine of diamonds; and third and last, the ten of hearts.


The three Jack of clubs are on the magic desk, faces down.


"So far," says the magician, "my endeavors have come to naught." Then turning to one of the audience, he says, "Perhaps this gentleman may be more successful. Will you, sir, be good enough to select one of those magic cards that are on the magic desk?" The magician picks up the one that is pointed out, and shows it to be the Jack of clubs. As he is putting it back on the magic desk he exchanges it, by the bottom change for the top card, the seven of spades. Then a second card is selected and that proves to be a Jack of clubs. "That's very remarkable," he says, "the Jack of clubs has evidently come to life." While saying this he makes the exchange again, this time for the nine of diamonds, which he throws carelessly alongside the other card, face down. He then turns over the third card. "Jack of clubs again! Why, it seems to be nothing else," he says, and exchanging it this time by the top change for the ten of hearts, lays that on the magic desk. As there can not be more than one Jack of clubs in the pack, the magician declares there must be a mistake somewhere, and asks some one to turn the cards over, and they prove to be the magical cards that were first shown, which were declared to be wrong. In the meanwhile the magician gets rid of the two bottom Jacks, and throws down the pack so that it may be examined.


All at the Magic Help Desk Center

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